lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Theater Festival

I started interviewing Eduardo and he told me very important things about this festival.
Me: For how long does this lasts, since when you so this and what is the objective? 
Eduardo: This is called the Fresh air festival. It has been done since 16 years ago. Since it has started it is done every 2 years for encountering the Hiberoamericano Festival. It is all about of integrate all the theater groups only fresh air groups not the indoor theater like the Hiberoamericano’s theater. Also it is all about of motivating the people for them to help and collaborate and them to give the festival life because this is the class of theater that integrates more people. This festival is for the people that do shows for example in the semaphores for not having to go to the shows in a close room but to enjoy it in the Fresh air. Each time that the festival is done is not known for how long it will take. For example last years it was about 8 days but this year was only 4 days. There was integration of 6 countries United States, Republica Dominicana, Italy, Argentina, Eslovenia and Colombia. This theater is free.
Me: Since when you have been working on this?
Eduardo: Since 2 years ago. I am from Huila so they translated to Bogotá for collaborating the artists. We help to pick up the stuff and to assemble the scenery etc.
Me: How is this festival financed?
Eduardo: This year the banks, the republic, and the countries guests. 
Me: What are the types of theater?
Eduardo: There are juggling, stilts, Clown genre, show with fire, mimics and corporal expressions.
Me: Ok that would be all Thanks.

Iglesia Familiar de Restauración la Alianza Norte Bogotá.

Located in the street 163b # 48-48, near the neightborhood San Cipriano.
This beautiful church has:

  1.  In the first floor: The reception, the temple, seniors pastor's office, secundary pastor's office, cafeteria and the bathrooms.
  2. In the second floor: 7 rooms for certains activities.
  3. In the third floor: Big balcony were they socialize, seniors pastor´s office, more bathrooms and another small kitchen.
This church has 8 employees, that serve different functions in support of the church and the Christian community. ( Mainly are 8, but there are differentn collaborators who help in other branches of the church. )

But let the pastor Samuel talks us more about this beautiful Christian church.

Lucas: L        Pastor Samuel: S

L: The church since when exist?
S: This church was created in 1996, 15 years ago.

L: With what motive the church was founded?
S: The principal purpose for creating this place, was to show to other persons the love and the salvation of God, and to enjoy it in community.

L: Since when are you Christian, and since when you asist this church?
S: I´m Christian about 26 years ago, and I asist to this church since 9 months ago.

L:  What is your work in the church?
S: I´m the secundaryPastor.


L: How many people come to the church in weekends?
S: Between 350 and 400 people, for worship.

L: How many people come to the church in weekdays?
S: Daily like 70 people for several courses and workshops.

L: And finally, what ais the schedule of the churche?
S: From 9:00 am. to 9:30 pm, all the days, except the Tuesdays.
    Tuesday it doesn´t open.

Some pictures:


miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2011

Museo de Botero (Video and other images)

More Images:

Arlequín con bolas de nieve - Alexander Calder
Mano izquierda levantada, mano derecha levantada - Julio González

Girasoles - Fernando Botero
Cráneo de Cabra - Pablo Picasso

Terremoto en Popayán - Frenando Botero
Sculpture Room

International Room
El Ordenanza - Jean Dubuffet
La más bella - Max Ernst

Museo de Botero

Museo de Botero is one of the most important museums in Bogotá. Its located in the Cra. 11 # 4-41. Its purpose is to promote the Colombian culture and make people more interested about art in all of it's ways. It is managed by Banco de La República. The artworks that we can find here are from about the 80's and 90's. It was founded in the year 2000. It has between 120 and 140 artworks from Fernando Botero and 98 from other international artists. From 500 people to 600 people enter the museum everyday in average. The people that go there are mostly students, schools and foreign people. The entrance is free and it is located in a very cultural zone in Bogotá.
All the artworks were donated by one of the most important artists in Colombia: Fernando Botero. Is worth saying that not all the artworks are authored by Botero, but also other world wide famous artists such as Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Slavador Dalí, Joán Miró and many others. The art of Fernando Botero is characterized by all the objects, animals and people being voluminous.
Pareja - Fernando Botero

 Pablo Picasso
Naturaleza Muerta - Fernando Botero
As the tour guide said to me, the collections can't be changed or moved from the place they are and also here can't be new artworks in the gallery. The museum counts with 12 rooms organized in three categories: 1) Sculptures, 2) Oil paints, water paints, pastel, and charcoal and 3) International artists [any technique]. 
Central Garden

Pablo Picasso
Gato - Fernando Botero
Canasta de Frutas - Fernando Botero
Naranjas - Fernando Botero

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2011

Centro Cultural Biblioteca Publica Julio Mario Santo Domingo.

The " Centro Cultural Julio Mario Santo Domingo " is an important and a fantastic library located in the park San Jose de Bavaria, in the avenue street 170 No. 67-51. This amazing library was built to help or benefit almost 1,2 millions of childrens, of the locations of Suba and Usaquèn.
The library has:

On the first floor, Bogotà room, expositions rooms, trainnig (capacitations) rooms, multiples rooms, "BibloAmigos" shop, cafeteria, offices. Also has the library, the children's room, the theater, the major theater and the studio theater.

On the second floor, the lobby; information, ticket office and the lockers. Also the general library room and the first balcony of the major theater.

On the third floor, the second balcony of the major theater.

On the fourth floor the third balcony of the major theater.

Actually the basement has 340 parking lots and 140 cycle lots. In my tour of the library I met Andres, an employee of the site. Lets saw what imortants details Andres told me.

Andres: A             Lucas: L

L: How many books the library has?
A: In this moment the library has between 22 thousand and 28 thousand volumes.
L: In what time of the year the people come more? I mean whos the flow of people in the library?
A: Well actually the days in wich more people come are Wednseday through Sunday. And also in vacations the people come alot, like in June and July.
L: Okay, Andres, which events take place in the library?
A: Here in the library we offer workshops of, comics, literature, literacy etc. Also we offer film forus and different shows in the major theater.
L: Andres, what is the schedule of the establishment?
A:  Mondays, from 2 P.M. to 8 P.M.
     Tuesdays to Saturdays, from 8 A.M to 8 P.M.
     Sunday, from 9:30 A.M to 5:30 P.M
     and in holidays we don't open .
L: Why was it built and when was it built?
A: It was built by Bibliored, which is a company focused in the development plan on the country, is based on librarys, also for comfort and support of the people. And it was finished on May of 2010.

L: Andres, I think is enough. Thank you very much.
A: Okay, it was a pleasure.